Sunday, January 24, 2010


सुप्तावस्था को लेकर विभावरी तमिस्रा दूर हुई ।
नवीन जागरण का सन्देश लेकर व्योम में मिहिर का प्रवेश हुआ ॥

जागो जागो देखो सुप्रभात की स्वर्णिम किरणेँ छाई ।
सागर में नील लहरों ने भी ली अंगड़ाई ॥

अवनि में उदक वेग तेज हुआ ।
प्रभंजन वेग भी तेज हुआ ॥

इस माधुर्यमय दृश्य को देखकर, दिल मोद से प्रफुल्लित हुआ ॥

Written by Manju Murarka nee Jajodia, in 1964, Class 8th, for school magazine of Balika Shikshasadan, Kolkatta.


  1. श्रद्धास्पद respected manjujees valued theory written about four decades before transalated from Hindi to English being her exclusive article of Std VIII for everbody's convenience.

    Day Break

    Suptavstha was away on Vibavari Tmisra.
    New awareness of Mihir in message entered the space.

    Look up the Golden Morning Wake dominated rays.

    Neil also took in the ocean waves Angdhai.

    Udk velocity was faster in Abani.
    Prbnjan velocity was too fast.

    Madhuryamy seeing this scene, the cheerful heart has Mod.

    MOTHERS NOBLE THOUGHT FOR THE DAY : The mother-daughter relationship is the most complex. Virtue and Happiness are Mother and Daughter.He that would the daughter win, Must with the mother first begin.

    best regards to mother the creator of this universe.

    Sunil Khosla
    Bandra West

  2. Khosla Saab,

    Thank you for the transalation and all the efforts !!


  3. Dear Payal :

    Thank you for showing me that there are good people like you in this world.

    A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all other virtues.

    lifetime regards to you and your family.

    Sunil Khosla
    Bandra West
