Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Mind Candy !!

A frog, once called up a psychic to know his future.

The voice at the other end welcomed its listener and asked what do you wanna know ? Click 1 for career, 2 for love, 3 for health, 4 for .... so on and forth.

The frog clicked 2. After a few questions, the voice said " I see lady luck smiling at you, my dear. You will meet the love of your life today..."

Frog is thrilled to hear all this. Hears further.

"... You will meet her at 2.00 this noon. She is a very pretty girl. Fair and beautiful, and with her soft and tender hands, she will hold you..."

The frog, excited, jumped with joy.

"... Your lady love is in her early twenties, and would be very interested in you. She would wanna know all about you, inside out..."

Frog is ecstatic now. Cannot wait to hear further.

"... and you will meet this pretty damsel... in her biology class lab!!!"


  1. Dear Payal :

    “We all human beings think too small like the frog at the bottom of the well.

    The frog thinks the sky is only as big as the top of the well.

    Had the frog surfaced he would have perceived an entirely different view of life.” but still

    “The frog does not drink up the pond in which he lives.”

    warm regards,
